It’s likely that you would’ve seen the newest trend to emerge throughout Facebook - Interactive Photos. Giving a viewer the ability to fully engage with an image by holding it down and watching it react and move, this trend has made a bold statement in the social media sphere. Not only are they fun to look at, their insistence on engagement fosters an amazing reach - bring you an audience that is usually larger than photo/slideshow alternatives.

The best part is that it is simple and quick to create this effect. Using the intoLive app, you can make your own posts in just a few minutes. Here’s a step by step guide to get you sorted:
First, you have to download the app. It’s free, but only works on devices with iOS 9.0 or higher.
Now you are able to open up the app. You will be given the option to select videos or photos from your phone’s library. You can either select a video up to 30 second or up to 30 images (for a slideshow effect). At the end of the process, this is what will be revealed when a user holds down the image. Ensure all selections have equal aspect ratios and sizes.
It’s now time to select the first image that will be presented - what will be held down to reveal the ‘hidden’ images. If the audience isn’t using a mobile device, this will be the sole image featured. It is often recommended to use a image that directs users to engage with the picture, as many would never have seen this effect before.
Once the image has been made up, save it to your camera roll.
Now you are able to upload through the Facebook app. Simply click the photo button and select the ‘Live’ option and you are all sorted!
This new trend allows you to truly customise your images. You can consider ‘before and after’s, varying series or allow your audience to uncover an answer or interesting content by engaging. There are a huge amount of possibilities and many more to be uncovered - this is a must-add option for your digital toolkit.
Download the intoLive app and give it a go >
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